Asceptic Packing

Asceptic Packing

We offer a septic filling systems that enables obtaining a totally safe product, with an excellent quality, long life and no preservatives. In sterile conditions and with hermetic containers, it is possible to carry out a cold filling process of the product. This entails important advantages because the effects of the heat on packed products are significantly minimized. That is because the thermal treatment needed to sterilize the product is softer. As a result we obtain a tasteful product that preserves all the nutritional values. From the logistic point of view, the lowering of costs is very important because it enables us to distribute and store the product at room temperature.

Our aseptic filler is a Bag-in-Drum and Bag-in-Box type with 1? and 2? filling heads depending on the product to be packed. The containers are preformed and pre-sterilized bags with different capacities, but the most widespread ones are those of 5, 10, 20, 200 and 1,000 litres. These containers are in good conditions concerning light and oxygen permeability.

The product is sterilized before the aseptic filling process and a separately sterilization of the container is also carried out. The product is cold or at room temperature when being introduced in the bag and this is closed in a watertight way, without any kind of contamination because during the filling process we keep the asepsis with steam.

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